Boost Your Sales Pipeline With Account Based Marketing (ABM)


As businesses strive to be more customer-centric, account-based marketing (ABM) has become a popular way to segment and target high-value accounts. ABM is a strategic approach that involves tailoring marketing and sales efforts to specific accounts, rather than treating all customers the same.

ABM can be especially beneficial for tech companies that sell to other businesses (B2B). Because the sales cycle for B2B products is often long and complex, it's important to have a targeted approach that aligns the efforts of sales and marketing

Every Orbitsoftek plan includes a dedicated account manager that can help with strategic guidance, training, and success plans. Contact-level display targeting is one of the powerful features of our account-based marketing approach. This allows you to target key decision-makers within your high-value accounts/p>

Benefits of account-based marketing include the ability to create, accelerate, and close more sales. With ABM, you can also improve customer retention and loyalty, and increase customer lifetime value.

abm services
abm services

Contact Level Display Targeting


One of the benefits of account-based marketing is the ability to target ads at a specific account or even contact level. This allows you to get very granular with your targeting and ensures that your message is relevant to the person you're trying to reach.

To do this, you'll need to use a tool like Orbisoftek, which allows you to upload your list of target accounts and contacts. Then, you can create a display ad campaign that targets those specific individuals.

The great thing about this approach is that you can be very strategic about who you target. For example, you may want to target decision-makers at a particular company, or you may want to target a specific job title or function.

Orbitsoftek also allows you to exclude certain individuals from your targeting, which can be helpful if you're targeting a specific account but don't want to waste impressions on people who are not involved in the decision-making process.

Overall, contact-level display targeting is a very powerful way to reach your target audience with a very relevant message. If you're not already using this approach, we highly recommend you give it a try.

Benefits of Account-Based Marketing

The goal of Account-Based Market ing (ABM) is to align sales and marketing efforts on the best accounts in order to close more sales. Businesses can see a significant increase in pipeline growth and closed deals by targeting high-value accounts and strategically nurturing them throughout the sales cycle.

Several benefits of ABM make it an essential part of any sales and marketing strategy, including

Increased sales: By targeting only qualified leads, you can increase your sales pipeline and close more sales.

Improved conversion rates: You’re more likely to convert leads into appointments and customers when you focus on those who have the decision-making power within their organization.

Higher quality appointments: When you target qualified leads, you’re more likely to end up with higher quality appointments. These appointments are with individuals who are genuinely interested in your product or service, and who are more likely to become paying customers.

Greater efficiency: Appointment setting is a more efficient use of your time and resources than pursuing unqualified leads. When you focus on leads that are unlikely to convert, you’re wasting time and money that could be better spent elsewhere.

Peace of mind: When you know you’re targeting qualified leads, you can have greater peace of mind in the sales process. This can lead to reduced stress and improved job satisfaction.

ABM Services
abm services

Create Accelearate and Close More Sales


Account-based marketing (ABM) is a marketing strategy that targets high-value accounts with personalized campaigns. Unlike traditional marketing efforts that focus on acquiring new customers, ABM is all about deepening relationships with existing customers.

The key to success with ABM is aligning your sales and marketing efforts. By working together, sales and marketing can identify the best accounts to target, and create personalized campaigns that speak directly to the needs of those accounts.

ABM can help you close more sales by creating a laser-focused approach to marketing and sales- Helping you better understand your customers- Allowing you to track your progress and measure your success.

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faq Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)s

What Does ABM Means in Marketing?

ABM, or account-based marketing, is the term. It isn't a specific marketing channel like email or social media. However, it's a digital marketing tactic utilized to develop marketing that's specific to one or more customer accounts or prospects.

What Are ABM Best Practices?

Use Data to Drive Decisions About High-Value Accounts, Identify Your Target Accounts, Identify Key Stakeholders and Market Directly, Create a Personalized Customer Journey, Align Marketing and Sales, Choose the Right Marketing Channels for Your ABM Campaign.

What is the Most Important of ABM?

Securing corporate ABM alignment is undoubtedly one of the most crucial account-based marketing strategies.

What Does an ABM Platform Do?

ABM, or account-based marketing, is a type of company marketing that focuses resources on a specific group of target accounts within a market. Each account is engaged through the deployment of tailored marketing.

What is Needed for ABM Strategy?

In order to target and nurture accounts through tailored interaction and support, ABM needs marketing and sales teams to make strategic account selections. The account selection procedure will be formalized.

How Does Account-Based Marketing(ABM) Help My Business Grow?

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a highly focused marketing technique that focuses on specific high-value clients or individual accounts. ABM helps firms expand by personalizing marketing efforts to key accounts' specific requirements and preferences. Businesses may personalize their communications and offer highly relevant content by knowing the issues, goals, and pain points of certain clients. This personalized strategy improves consumer engagement, fosters better connections, and raises conversion rates.

Get The Best Services From ORBIT SOFTEK

Our team of experts specializes in creating customized digital marketing strategies that are tailored to meet your specific business needs.

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